With these 3 simple steps you can shed pounds before too long

Are you dreaming of shedding those pounds before the scorching sun hits?

If so, look no further. Jenna Rizzo, a women’s weight loss coach hailing from Georgia, shares three effortless methods to trim down before summer creeps in.

“Ever tried to sprint from zero to a hundred overnight? Trust me, it’s a recipe for disaster,” Rizzo advises in a recent TikTok sensation.


“Here are three game-changing steps you can take today without upending your life entirely.”

1. Turn fitness into fun

“Who says you need to sweat it out for hours at the gym? Move that body. But make it enjoyable,” suggests Rizzo.

“For my clients, I love setting up challenges,” she continues.

“Whether it’s a step challenge or committing to 30 minutes of exercise daily, adding a sprinkle of incentive can make all the difference.”

Experts back her up in her assertions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adults should aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise weekly.

“If you hit that 30-minute mark for four consecutive days, treat yourself. A pedicure, perhaps? You’ve earned it,” Rizzo smiles.

2. Follow the ‘one-scoop rule’

Do you take a fancy to a diet makeover without the drama?

Rizzo suggests a simple strategy of adding a scoop of fruits or veggies to your meals.

“It’s a bit of psychology at play here,” she reveals. “Over time, these small changes add up, paving the way for healthier choices down the line.”

The American Heart Association endorses this approach and recommends a daily intake of four servings of fruit and five servings of vegetables.

3. Take good sleep

Are you struggling with your sleeping routine?

You’re not alone. Rizzo advocates for a minimum of seven hours of shut-eye each night.

“Sleep isn’t just for beauty; it’s a fat-burning powerhouse,” she underscores. “Lack of sleep messes with your hormones, leading to mood swings and pesky cravings. Aim for seven hours nightly to supercharge your body’s fat-burning abilities.”

So, get ready to kickstart your journey to a fitter you.

With Rizzo’s three-step plan, your lost confidence is just around the corner.

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